
The African proverb “It takes a village to raise a child” resonates deeply with my own experiences. I am truly thankful for my mentors who have shown unwavering belief in me.

Their encouragement, gentle challenges to reach my potential, and endless support have made a profound difference in my life.

I recognize that their guidance is invaluable, and I am grateful to have such a caring “village” around me.



Erin Brown

Executive Director, Inspiring Girls USA

Erin Brown

Miss Erin leads Inspiring Girls USA, and I genuinely appreciate having her by my side. She truly cares about all of us Young Ambassadors and is always rooting for our success.

Julie Bornhoeft

Chief Strategy Officer, WEAVE Inc.

Julie Bornhoeft

Miss Julie has shown me how vital it is to care for our local community. Her unwavering dedication to supporting victims of domestic abuse is beyond inspiring. Her compassion motivates me to get involved and make a difference as well.

Molly Baker

Founder and CEO Indie Consulting

Molly Baker

Miss Molly is my mentor at Inspiring Girls USA. It's comforting to know I have someone I can confide in, ask questions, and bounce ideas off of. Her support makes a huge difference in my journey.

Master Barbara Brand

Sacramento Taekwondo Club

Master Barbara Brand

Master Brand has been my taekwondo coach, mentor and guide since 2017. She taught me the true meaning of the words discipline, grit, and determination.

Sage Morgan-Hubbard

Director of Learning and Engagement Museum of African American History

Sage Morgan-Hubbard

Miss Sage was my teacher at the Brown University Leadership Institute. She taught me the importance of fighting for social change.

Dr. Ezra Amsterdam

Associate Chief (Academic Affairs), Cardiology UC Davis Health

Dr. Ezra Amsterdam

Dr. Amsterdam taught me how to conduct research. What is the process of performing a literature survey? What does a retrospective research design entail? How can we address societal issues using an evidence-based approach?

“Gratitude helps you to grow and expand; gratitude brings joy and laughter into your life and into the lives of all those around you.”

Questions? Comments? Just want to say hi? Drop me a line!